
I am super excited to announce to my clients new and old to know that I got a new camera this month, I am also adding 1-2 new pro lenses to my bag. I am happy to be finally added better equipment. For the past year I have been working on getting better equipment to serve you all to the best I can. There is only 1-2 more lenses I want to add to my bag to be final. In the meantime I decide to really work harder on changing my style this year. I want more of a personalized, softer, beautiful style. I know where I want to push myself and go. I just need the practice to do it.

2. I am not offering online proofing galleries for you to be able to pick your photos from your session from a best of. Each session you get to take home 20 fully digitally retouched photos.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

