
Mommy talks about toddlers, Chandler AZ

Kids especially toddlers tend to do a ton of bad things all day over and over, so this can build up on a Mom’s nervous. It can become stressful and upsetting when they don’t listen. But when you think about it this is just part of how children grow by testing us. I am learning more and more patience with my 3 year old as time goes on. I hear myself saying things like, “Your testing my patience”. I guess that is good in a way because that means it’s growing. My point is that nothing your child does is worth constantly being upset with them. Loving them as much as you can as though you don’t know if you will see them tomorrow is what we need to do as parents.

I am learning as a parent as my child grows.

1 thing that has been working is not giving in when he whines about stuff. I used to give in just not to have to hear the whining. But now I am trying to teach him to ask nicely with respect and say please. He is starting to stop himself when he whines and realizes he isn’t going to get what he wants if he does.

2. being consistent with say time outs is really what has been helping my son a ton. I was too busy or tired since my daughter was born these last 4 months to give him a time out every single time he was bad. Well this could be a good 10+ times a day depending on the day. Sometimes it’s none cause he can be so good.

We use the Love and Logic method from this book sold on Amazon have read the 1st chapter and it’s excellent. I can’t wait to read the rest. My good friend told me the gist of it which is you put the child in time out in their room. I have to lock it and put the timer on for a minute to every year they are born (Dr. told me the time part). I talk to him in an empathic voice, “saying something like I am sorry you choose to do this but now you have to have a time out because of it.”

The 1st month after having my baby girl my 3 year old son was the toughest for not listening and being bad to get attention. As time went on he got more used to her and now adores her to no end.

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