
Are Allergies bothering you? I have a natural fast remedy!

Have your allergies been the worst this year?  If so you know what I am talking about. I have a natural cure people that will help you fast!  Plus it doesn’t cost much and  you can buy it any local store. I don’t sell it and I am not trying to make money from this. No side effects. Great natural allergy remedy!

Are you ready to hear the secret?  My husband came home the other day and told me that a teaspoon of desert honey a day is what makes your allergies go away. We had some from Costco called Desert honey, we live in Phoenix, Arizona. I tried it and sure enough it worked. My allergies wore clear the rest of the day. Then today I didn’t want to take that again cause it was so thick but since my allergies were bothering me,  eyes were watering and itching, nose running. tired etc. I took it again my eyes cleared up pretty fast and nose.  I think it’s definitely worth a shot and it’s all natural. Plus it makes your skin look healthier I just found out today extra bonus! My face is starting too look smoother, softer, than it has in years ( I do have to add in this that I cut out sugar and lowered my starches). I am sure if you bought any local honey where you live it would work just the same.

Other state you should buy honey derived from your local nuisances. local beekeeper or at a local farmer’s market

Please DO NOT give to kids under 12 months. Honey may contain botulism spores which can lead to botulism poisoning. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that honey should not be added to food, water, or formula that is fed to infants younger than 12 months of age. This technically, applies even to honey in baked or processed food goods. The AAP statement says “Raw or unpasteurized honey (Infants younger than 12 months should avoid all sources of honey)”. AAP Pediatric Nutrition Handbook


It is important to start with small amounts. Approximately a teaspoon per day should help. You must first ensure the honey agrees with your body. If it doesn’t, discontinue use immediately.

Here is one study that was done on it:Researchers divided participants into three groups: seasonal allergy sufferers, year-round allergy sufferers and non-allergy sufferers. These groups were further divided into three subgroups with some people taking two teaspoons of local honey per day, others taking the same amount of non-local honey each day and the final subgroup not taking honey at all. The Xavier students found that after six weeks, allergy sufferers from both categories suffered fewer symptoms and that the group taking local honey reported the most improvement. ~ from

I found all this information below on

* Afternoon Fatigue: At 3:00pm (or when the body is feeling fatigued), drink 1/2 Tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Energy will increase within one week if taken daily.

Honey Relieves Coughs: Here’s a recipe from the book, by DC Jarvis: boil a whole lemon slowly for 10 minutes. Cut the lemon in 2 and extract the juice. Add juice to a 4 oz glass. Then add 2 Tablespoons of glycerine and fill the remaining glass with honey. Dosage: 1 teaspoon during the day. Stir with spoon before taking. If you have a night-time cough, take 1 teaspoon right before retiring and then another one during the night. If your cough is severe, take concoction every 4 hours starting with when you wake up. As the cough gets better, you take less and less.


Recipe: Chew a piece of honeycomb as long as possible as though it were a piece of gum. Within 30 minutes of chewing honeycomb, symptoms like a stuffy nose and headache disappear. Start chewing honeycomb a week or two before allergy season starts and you may not get any allergies. The honeycomb should be from a local bee farm so your best luck in finding a local variety is probably at your farmer’s market. If you can’t find honeycomb, try combed honey. Plain honey apparently works as well: dosage is 2 TBLS at each meal, three times a day.


Honey has been used for 2,000 years as an antiseptic dressing for minor wounds. Because honey contains potassium, bacteria cannot survive in it. Potassium withdraws moisture, which is essential to bacteria’s survival. Honey also promotes healing and prevents scarring.

Studies have shown raw honey to have significant antioxidant properties. It is also an anti-irritant. As such, it is often one of the ingredients in sunscreen, since the chemicals in sunscreen can cause skin eruptions. Honey is a humectant (it attracts and retains moisture) and is often used in soaps, cleansers and lotions. Due to honey’s anti-bacterial nature, it can cleanse the skin’s surface as well as temporarily tighten the outer skin layers. Honey acts as both cleanser and toner.



Hair Conditioner: Mix 2 Tablespoons of honey with 1/2 of a fresh avocado and 1 Teaspoon of coconut oil. Massage into hair and leave on for half an hour. Works beautifully for dry and damaged hair.


This site has TONS of information on honey.

3. Honey is a Source of Antioxidants

Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Studies also found that dark-color honeys such as Buckwheat seem to possess more antioxidants than light-color varieties. Not only could honey’s antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth of new tissue. These precious honey properties help protect the skin under the sun and help the skin to rejuvenate and stay young-looking. As such, there have been an increasing number of manufacturers of honey skincare products such as sunscreens and facial cleansing products for treating damaged or dry skin.

Read this too it’s amazing how helpful antioxidants are

Antioxidants, being positive elements work in several ways: they reduce the energy of the free radical, stop the free radical from forming in the first place, or interrupt an oxidizing chain reaction to minimize the damage caused by free radicals. The body produces several antibacterial enzymes that neutralize many types of free radicals. However, these enzymes may not be enough if an excessive amount of free radicals is present (e.g when a person smokes or is frequently exposed to cigarette smoke, when one is under tremendous pressure at work, or when one is suffering from chronic diseases). Supplements of these enzymes are available for oral administration. Many vitamins and minerals act as antibacterial in their own right, such as vitamin C, vitamin E. Consuming these in the form of fruits, vegetables, and herbs may be the best way to provide the body with the most complete protection against free radical damage.


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